Circa April 2019 to 2023
48 000+
Consumer Debt Review Queries Handled
29 000+
Unlawlul Debt Reveiw Cases Identified and Resolved
15 000+
Disputes Logged with NCR
9 000+
Clearance Certificates Acquired
12 000+
Consumers Released from Debt Review
12 000+
Debt Review Flags Removed from Credit Bureaus
Actively Protecting Consumers Since 2006
Ncra Service is Rendered in terms of Section 136 Regulation 50 of the National Credit Act
In terms of Section 136 of the National Credit Act
* You have the right to terminate the debt review process at any point of the process
* You have the right to challenge the process applied in placing you under debt review
* You have the right to be released from debt review when your financial circumstance have changed
You have the right to dispute Unlawful Debt Review
You have the right to dispute debt review when Debt Counsellor is Absent or Uncontactable
You have the right to dispute debt review when the Debt Counsellor is Unknown
You have the right to dispute debt review when the Debt Counsellor is no longer involved in debt counselling
You have the right to dispute debt review when you have not received a Court Order
In terms of Section 136 of the National Credit Act
We conduct Free Assessment to determine whether you are elligible for Debt Review Clearance or not.
The assessent shall also determine the appropriate debt review dispute and/or clearance process
You will receive a Free Credit Report displaying the debt review status and debt counsellor details with recommended debt review clearance action
The Assessment is Free. You are not under obligation to use the service or the recommended action.
Only the NRC can clear the Debt Review Flag
It is important to know that only the NCR can investigate and finalise resolution of the dispute and the clearance of the debt review flag.
How long does it take to clear the Debt Review Flag?
The NCR estimated resolution time-frame and clearance of the debt review flag is 7 - 30 days depending on the complexity of an individual situation. There are instances where the flag can be cleared within 48 - 72 hours.
The most complex debt review situations can be resolved in maximum 60 - 90 days
The estimated clearance time-frame mainly depends on your cooperation in supplying truthful information and submitting required mandatory documents in a timely manner.
Service Fees
1. Complete the Form to Register for Free Assessment
2. A consultant shall call you to verify your details and discuss your situation
3. You receive your free credit report and recommended clearance action
4. If you decide to use the recommended service, you will pay R30 (thirty rands) debit order activation fee
5. Once you have activated the debit order, the dispute/clearance process shall commence immediatley
6. The NCR shall resolve the dispute and complete the clearance within 7 - 30 days
R300 x 3 Months
Once-Off Discounted Settlement = R600
This fee covers:
* File Administration
* Acquisition of Clearance Certificate (where applicable)
* Acquisition of updated 3inOne Report
Click the button below to register to receive:
* Free Credit Report
* Your clearance assessment outcome and
* Recommended clearance action
The fee is payable only upon confirmation of clearance
R300 X 5 Months
Once-Off Discounted Settlement = R950
This fee covers:
* Once-Off File (refundable) Admin Fee = R300
* Affidavit Fee = R1200
* Clearance Service = R900 (payable upon confirmation of clearance)
Click the button below to register to receive:
* Free Credit Report
* Your clearance assessment outcome and
* Recommended clearance action
** The Admin Fee is refundable only when the NCR refuse to remove the debt review flag
Debt Review Clearance Processes & Procedures
The applicable clearance process is determined by the pre-requisite assessment of your debt review situation and the debt review status displayed on your credit report. The debt review review status displayed on your credit record should match the Dhs System Code in relation with the debt review process stage and prescribed processing timeframes.
Click this link to view debt review status codes: Dhs Status Codes
The Assessment shall determine:
1. If your debt review situation can be resolved directly with the credit bureaus or
2. If your debt review situation requires the NCR dispute process.
NCR Dispute Process:
Where NCR dispute process is deemed necessary, it is mandatory to submit the dispute with an affidavit to compel the NCR to investigate the matter and expedite the removal of the debt review flag from your credit records. You will receive a non-obligation recommendation to invoke affidavit action.
Non-NCR Clearance Process:
Where you have received a non-affidavit clearance notification, your assigned case manager shall facilitate acquisition of your Clearance Certificiate (where applicable) with the NCR and/or log update request and acquisition of your updated (cleared) with the Credit Bureaus.
3. Where you have received recommendations to invoke affidavit action, and you have accepted and submitted the instruction to invoke affidavit, the inhouse legal practitioner shall proceed to draft your affidavit on your behalf and email it to you for commissioning. The legal practitioner charges a fee of R1200 for the affidavit.
4. Upon receipt of the commissioned affidavit, the case manager shall log the dispute with the NCR
Circumstances under which Debt Review Listing can be Disputed & Cleared
Unlawful Debt Review
The debt review flag is Unlawful when:
* You did not apply for debt review.
* You did not submit Form 16 debt review application
* You did not receive and agree to the restructured payment arrangement
* You did not receive or signed confirmatory court application affidavit
* The debt counsellor is no longer involved in the debt counselling service
Unknown Debt Counsellor
This applies where:
* You did not apply or sign and debt review related documents with the debt counsellor on record
* The debt counsellor is not contactable
* The debt counsellor is no longer involved in debt counselling service.
* The debt counselor on record has been deregistered by the Tribunal
* The debt counsellor on record's registration with the NCR has lapsed or cancelled.
Expired Prescribed Process Timeframe
In terms of the NCA and NCR prescribed debt review processing procedure, the entire debt review process must be completed in 60 days including granting of a court order.
Where there is no court order within the stipulated timeframe, the debt review process can be cancelled/terminated or the debt review flag can be disputed.
Clearance Certificate
It is the debt counsellor's resposibility to issue a clearance certificate when all debts that were placed under debt review are settled in full.
It is also the debt counsellor's obligation to acquire settlement letters from the credit providers.
Where the debt counsellor is not available or not cooperating, the NCR shall facilitate issueance of the Clearance Certificate